
Like many great companies, EMFtight was built from a problem that needed a solution. In our case, it all began with some health issues. As we researched the potential causes or contributors to these health issues, we were led to some profound information regarding the effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) in our environment. With increasing levels of EMFs around us from cell phones, wifi, smart meters, electrical appliances, and so on, more and more people are complaining about the ill effects of electromagnetic fields. Depending upon how sensitive you are to EMFs, how much of this type of radiation you are exposed to, and how long you are exposed to it, can dictate how it affects your health and how it makes you feel. Of course, there are other factors that can contribute as well. Common side effects of EMF exposure include headaches, nausea, insomnia, irritability, and the like.

Naturally, we wondered how we could help support people who are faced with this dilemma. So we set out to create EMFtight.com, a resource where people could come to learn about electromagnetic fields, share their EMF experiences, and easily find products and solutions that detect EMFs, provide protection, and offer ways to help heal from the ill-effects of EMFs. Please be sure to check out our EMF detectors, EMF protective clothing, EMF protective hats, orgonite, crystals, and related jewelry. We truly hope we have exactly what you need here and come back over and over. If you can’t find what you are looking for, please feel free to reach out and let us know, through our Contact form [here].